Ensuring that children, young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding, below are details of our safeguarding officers and how to contact them:
Incumbent: Mark Fraser (tel: 07394 929737)
Parish Safeguarding Officer: Sheila Street (tel: 0115 937 2295 / email: street_sheila@hotmail.com)
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser: Julian Hodgson
To view our Safeguarding policies, please download the Children and Young People's Safeguarding Policy and Adults' Safeguarding Policy here.
All safeguarding concerns should be directed in the first instance to the Parish Safeguarding Officer. If she is unavailable you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team on 01636 817200 during working hours. For non-urgent advice and queries including DBS advice, please email the team. If you have an immediate or emergency safeguarding concern, contact the Police on 999 or statutory agencies:

Nottinghamshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub
Tel. 0300 500 8080
Emergency Duty Team tel. 0300 456 4546
Nottingham City Council
Children tel. 0115 876 4800
Adults tel. 03001310300
Emergency Duty Team Children and Adults tel. 0115 876 1000
Tel. 0800 1111
NSPCC Helpline
Tel. 0808 808 5000
Elder Abuse Helpline
Tel. 0808 808 8141