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We run a range of activities and services across the week that anyone is welcome to attend. Most of these are in person but a few are online. If you would like more information about any of these  or need a Zoom link please email us on:   Our Sunday morning services are live streamed on the St. Luke's Facebook Page or can be watched later on the St. Lukes Youtube channel.






Tuesday 10am Oasis -church lounge

Bible study and prayer group for mums



Tuesday 2pm – 4pm - Community Café​​



Tuesday 7.30pm in church - Lent  Course - Practising The Way​

This course is to help us begin to put what we have been learning about following Jesus into practice. It is based on the book ‘Practicing the Way’ by John Mark Comer. It will revisit the themes we have explored in our recent sermon series but provide opportunity for discussion, personal reflection and most importantly guidance on how to integrate the practices of Jesus into our everyday lives


Thursday 10am Tinies and Toddlers – Church Hall
A session for pre-school children and their parents/carers. Cost £1. Everyone welcome.


Thursday 11am  Midweek Service - St. Luke's
A simple service with time to lift your eyes to God, consider His word and pray for the world together.​​​


Sunday 10am Morning Service - in person and online​






​Saturday 5th April Spring Clean 
An opportunity for everyone to muck in and do some of the jobs that just need doing on an occasional basis and make the church look great for Easter. If you can get involved this is a wonderful way of serving that benefits the whole church and the many members of the local community who use our building. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer which you can add your name to or just talk to Christine Holden or Lynne Miles. You can sign up for either a morning or afternoon session.


Easter Events


Saturday April 12th 9.30am – 12.30pm Quiet Morning
An opportunity to take a breath, restore your soul and prepare for Easter.



Sunday April 13th  3pm  Palm Sunday Donkey Walk   starting from Pierrepont Gamston Primary School

Connect Gamston are partnering with The Wee Donkey Company and holding a donkey walk through the streets of Gamston. Children especially will love this family friendly event.​


Wednesday April 16th 7.30pm LAMPS Theatre Company present The Passion -Performed by a cast of three talented professional actors, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus will be recreated in a moving, memorable and ultimately joyful retelling of the Easter events. Book here: 


Maundy Thursday  - April 17th - Maundy Meal  - an evening of food and exploring the Last Supper in creative ways together 
Children's crafts from 5.15pm then our meal with chatting and interactive elements starts at 6pm. Book your place by e mailing This event is free and is a joint Leahurst Road and Connect Gamston Event


Good Friday - April 18th 10-11.30am-  Explore Easter
A hands-on creative and engaging event for families with lots to do, explore and hear including in the St. Luke's Garden & free hot cross buns


Good Friday - Friday April 18th  7.30pm 
A service of quiet reflection, prayer, worship, readings and insights as we remember together the sacrifice of Jesus.


Sunday April 20th 10am  - Easter Day Celebration Service




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